Please Review

  • Term & Conditions

  • Privacy Policy

  • Additional Terms Of Use

Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions (Terms) apply to your reservation of any software by Adobe, Inc. and made available by way of this website. These Terms only apply to you and the website operator (Douglas Stewart Software & Services, LLC or DSS) and neither apply to, nor benefit, any other party. All software reserved by way of this website are conditioned on these Terms.

These Terms operate in addition to any Adobe end-user license agreements or terms associated with software; as well as such other terms or conditions which may be imposed by the third parties powering this website, offering payment services on this website, or are otherwise incorporated into this website (collectively third party EULAs). Should any conflict or ambiguity arise between these Terms and the third party EULAs, the third party EULAs shall control.

You understand and agree that the software reservations are intended for your use as the final consumer and not for resale to any third party.  

By reserving software through this website, you certify your capacity to enter into contract with DSS and your eligibility to reserve the software according to such eligibility limits as Adobe or the primary software license holder (Educational Institution) has placed on that software.

If you create an online account with the website, you promise to keep your account passcodes secure, to immediately update your account to keep all your contact and billing information accurate, and to take full responsibility for all purchases made on your online account.

These Terms represent the complete understanding between you and DSS on the subject matters covered, and merge all previous agreements, communications, representations, and negotiations.

Payment:  You represent, warrant, and guarantee your authorization to use any payment method you also present to reserve any software, and fully authorize DSS to charge you via that payment method for the full amount associated with your reservation (including any applicable taxes regardless of any estimation offered).

Product Price and Availability: All software is subject to availability, and the website may cease offering any software at any time and for any reason. Except for reservations already placed, the prices charged for software reservations may change at any time. DSS has no direct control over the amount charged for reservations, which is an amount instead set by the Educational Institution.

Warranty Claims: If you believe a warranty claim may be applicable to any software, you may contact Adobe directly through the Adobe contact information listed in the Adobe EULAs.

Returns: For non-functional software, please contact your Educational Institution to determine what return policies your Educational Institution may have established, preferably within at least 14 days of receiving your reserved software (note that your Educational Institution may require faster response times). Please also note that in the instance a return is allowed you may be charged a transaction fee and may be required to provide a certificate of destruction for all copies and iterations of the reserved software.

Upon purchasing an Adobe Student License Program Subscription an access email will be sent to the email address provided in checkout within 3 business days.

Please note that the Adobe Student License Program Subscription will not automatically renew.

Privacy Policy


Privacy. Institution understands that the fulfillment of the End-User-Student requests contemplated in this SA will likely require the collection and forwarding off some personally identifiable information (PII). With regards such PII, Institution agrees to: i) only use PII in accordance with applicable law, ii) only use PII for the purpose of completing and servicing the transaction contemplated, iii) maintain PII no longer than necessary to that purpose, iv) keep PII secure from unauthorized access, iv) comport with such privacy guidance as DSS may later provide regarding PII (including that required under the European Union GDPR), and v) provide reasonable assistance to DSS in enforcing its own privacy policies as they appear now or later at At no time will End-User-Student credit card numbers be communicated to, tracked by, or stored by DSS.

Additional Terms Of Use


Taxes:  While DSS shall collect sales, use, duty, customs, or other governmental taxes (Taxes) where it believes it has an obligation to do so, you remain ultimately responsible for any Taxes due with respect your software reservation. DSS shall present a Tax estimate at checkout, but the Taxes actually due or charged may differ because of differences between our systems and changes in the applicable tax rates. You will retain an obligation to report and pay Taxes where such is not otherwise performed by DSS.  

Errors: While DSS strives to keep errors to a minimum, DSS also reserves the right to correct errors and/or revise reservation requests (including reservation price) where an error has occurred or, alternatively, to cancel erroneous reservations and refund the amount charged.


Reservation of Rights: Apart from your normal access and use of the website, you may not otherwise use any intellectual property belonging to DSS (or sublicensed by DSS) or its derivatives for any other purpose without DSS’s express written permission. Such intellectual properties may include text, graphics, images, photographs, videos, domain names, illustrations, trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, slogans, trade dress, and the general look and feel of the DSS website(s). Except as granted in these Terms, DSS and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the website and its elements.

Limits on Non-Direct Damages: DSS shall not be liable to you or any third party beneficiary under any legal theory, including those based in contract, tort, negligence, warranty, or otherwise – for any indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages arising out these Terms or the website even if DSS was previously advised as to the possibility of such damages; except in those jurisdictions where such limitations are not allowed, in which case these limitations will apply to the fully extent allowed.

Liability Cap: The total liability applicable to DSS for any claim arising out of or relating to these Terms or the website will not exceed the reservation price of the software directly related to that claim. Such limit shall not exclude liability for those things which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

Release: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you release DSS, as well as its owners, officers, managers, employees, agents, and contractors from responsibility, liability, claims, demands, or damages of every kind and nature, known and unknown (including claims of negligence), arising out of or related to disputes between you and the acts or omissions of third parties. You expressly waive any rights you may have under California Civil Code § 1542 as well as any other statute or common law principles that would otherwise limit the coverage of this release to include only those claims which you may know or suspect to exist in your favor at the time of agreeing to this release.

Indemnification: Should you materially breach these Terms, including those requiring you to keep your online account secure, you also agree to fully indemnify DSS for any loss, cost, or damage it may suffer in relation to that breach, including such costs as DSS may incur if a third party brings action against DSS in relation to your breach, and including without limit DSS’s reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, and disbursements.

Timeliness of Claims: Any claim arising out of or related to these Terms or the services offered by DSS under these Terms must be filed within one year after the events giving rise to such claim, otherwise that claim shall be deemed barred and forfeit.

Controlling Law and Venue: These Terms and your access to and use of the website will be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of Wisconsin, without regard to conflict of law rules or principles (whether of Wisconsin or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. Any dispute between the parties will be resolved in the state or federal courts of the United States, respectively, sitting in Dane County, Wisconsin.

Export Compliance:  You agree to comply with all Export Controls as they relate to your receipt and use of software reservations. You represent and warrant that: (a) you are not located in a country that is subject to a US Government embargo or designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (b) you do not appear on any US Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

Government Users: If you are acting on or behalf of an agency of the US Government, you also acknowledge that: (a) any software obtained in connection with the services DSS offers under these Terms constitute “commercial computer software” or “commercial computer software documentation” for purposes of 48 C.F.R. §12.212 and 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable; and (b) your agency's rights are limited to those rights specifically granted under these Terms.

Termination: DSS reserves the right, without notice and in at DSS’s sole discretion, to terminate your right to access or use the website. DSS shall not be responsible for any loss or harm related to your inability to access or use of the website.

Interpretation: If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms is found unlawful, void or unenforceable, that provision or part of the provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. The failure of DSS to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not operate as a waiver of such right or provision. The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Except as otherwise provided herein, these Terms are intended solely for the benefit of the parties and are not intended to confer third-party beneficiary rights upon any other person or entity notwithstanding any incidental mention of those third parties.  You agree that communications and transactions between you and DSS may be conducted electronically.

“Export Controls,” both upper and lower case, shall mean all the United States and Canadian limits on exports, including those limiting sales to certain customers or regions as such may apply to all or part of Services. “Include” and “including,” both upper and lower case, shall mean including without limit. “You” and “your,” both upper and lower case, shall mean you, your parents/guardians if you are under 18, any entity for which you are acting as purchasing agent, or any other of your principal(s) for which you make use of the services DSS offers under these Terms as that principal’s agent or employee. All aspects of “you” and “your” shall be deemed jointly and severally liable for the performances due under these Terms.